Felicity and I have just come back from a fabulous 9 days on Eleuthera, a small island in the Bahamas. Enjoy this fabulous sunset with me.
Lying on the sand and drinking in the calming sound of the waves is such a change from the usual tempo of the hectic life back here in the city.
But we need both. Vacations are fabulous, but they are just vacations. If that was normal, I suspect that I would pretty quickly get bored. But as a change, it is so refreshing.
Everything has more life to it now getting back into the “busy” part of our normal routine. And busy it has been, with around 14 other people in our home this weekend as we celebrate my Mother’s 90 birthday this weekend. But that will need to be the focus of another blog post.
So two other quick comments…I love how relevant the Bible is to everyday life. I find myself thinking of Jesus’ comment to his disciples to “come apart and rest a while.” That’s a vacation. But that is not all of life.
The flip side of the coin is that most of the time, life is work, even hard work. And this is equally a blessing.
What is your favorite vacation spot? Please share some of your best vacation memories!